In this blog I will be discussing how I edited sound into my 2 minute film final project and what techniques I included. Sound in this project really helped it come together since it gives it tension and builds the atmosphere. Sound was a crucial element in my making and editing for this project. I researched a lot about sound and how to use it in the sense of a horror genre film and I accumulated many thoughts on it and what different sounds to use for certain scenes and clips. So, in todays blog I will be discussing what sound elements I contained and hope to add in my 2 minute film opening.
Some sounds I included to my project were wheels braking and squeaking. For example, for the scene where the wheels break rapidly, I enhanced the noise by layering a sound of wheels breaking fast to create a disturbing effect. I feel like disturbing sound effects add so much to a horror film so after much research I have decided to contain many disturbing and harsh sound effects to my scenes. Another sound I included is environmental sounds for the forest scenes such as owls in the back, branches breaking, the wind whistling, the trees moving, and eerie silence. I haven't completely finished editing all these sounds but I have made progress and will most likely finish editing the sound by the end of this week. So, the last sound I have so far decided to include is a tension building sound in the background for when she's in the forest to create a disturbing atmosphere and an uneasy mood. I haven't finished deciding on which one I would like to have yet but, I know I want one that's a supernatural sound that builds tension to the whole film.
Next, I will be discussing what sound techniques I would like to include other than the ones I have. A sound technique I would like to include is heavy breathing to create a sense of panic. I want to include this technique to the scene where I'm in the forest and I hear something in the bushes. I want the breathing to play a huge role in my opening since its all focused on her thoughts and actions throughout this film. I also want to add heavy breathing to the parts of her in the car where she keeps on seeing the sign which signifies that she's in an uneasy mood and scared. The last sound technique I would like my opening to contain is foley sounds such as foot steps, rustling leaves, branches breaking, and whispers. I would want to layer all these sounds on top of one another and have some more intense than the others to amplify a distorted atmosphere in the forest and a very questionable one.
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