Wednesday, February 12, 2025
This theory would create suspense throughout the whole opening and would create a sense of danger which would add to it. This theory would create anxiety but also with some excitement to keep the viewers on their feet. The suspense theory would create uncertainty and fustrational suspense which would go very well with my opening. It creates anticipation and a lot of tension which would also fit with my idea for my opening. To add on, this theory holds onto emotional engagement with the audience and also adds to the character development and seeing her actions throughout the mystery of what will happen.
This theory could be used in my film in ways such as the setting taking place at night and a dark area in the woods to create a more frightened and suspenseful feeling since dark environments or dim lighting are usually where all horror movie take place and it creates a sense of danger to the character. The angles I would use for this theory to create more suspense is shaky hand held shots and angles of POV to show that someone's watching her and that she's in danger. Another way is the sound. For the sound I could include a lot of background sound of every step and branch she steps on on her journey through the woods. I would also include sound of the wind whispering and bugs in the back making unsettling noise. Another way this theory could be used in my opening is by making everything happen slow and delaying the result. By doing this I could create suspense in my shots and keep it more intense and nerve-racking.
I feel like this theory could really help me with my 2 minute opening and help in developing the plot and idea of what I would like to include in it. I'm still not set on what I would be interested in doing completely for my opening but this has really helped me and made it a lot easier in how to create suspense in my horror opening and make it more realistic.
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