Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Tuesday, February 11, 2025


Today in class my teacher put us into groups of 5 or 6. My group was a group of 5 and we all shared our ideas and each gave each other feedback on our projects or developing ones. The people in my group are Matias, Peyton, Dani, and Lee. This group activity helped me out a lot on my idea for my film opening and I feel like now I almost have a set idea on what my opening is going to include and what its going to be about. 

The first person to share their idea was Peyton, which was a coming of age opening. She was working together with another person and she needed more ideas on what she should include in her opening. Her coming of age opening idea was a girl feeling very insecure but never showed it around her friends. She was going to film some parts at school and some parts out of school so that it made it more of a realistic teenage girl life. The first one to give a suggestion was Lee, she suggested to include a wall in the beginning and a bell ringing in the background which would then lead to her and her emotions which would show through her facial expressions. I then suggested that she should include a clip of her in the bathroom looking at herself in the mirror with an insecure looking face. Dani then added on to it and stated that her friends should be in there with her and that once they leave that's when she would look at herself in the mirror insecurely. I felt like our group gave her a lot of input on what she should include in her opening which made her feel more confident about it.  https://cheergirlpey.blogspot.com/ - Peyton

The next group member to share their project was Dani, she was going for a horror opening and she almost had a set idea on what she was going to do. Her idea for her opening was to start off with clumped pictures on a wall and red strings attached to almost each photo. I could tell by then she was going for a more mysterious and suspenseful horror opening which was a great idea. She wanted to have a lot going on such as, a hand cutting out each photo and pinning it onto the wall and red string scattered all over which would then lead back to a photo of a girl. She wanted the photo of the girl to be the main focus and darted at with a pin which would then happen to be that girls boyfriend pinning her as his target. Then later on she wanted to show the last clip which would be that same guy (her boyfriend) to pick her up in his car and end it off there. We all very much liked the idea and suggested a couple of things to include. We all agreed that she should include a very artistic credit scene that relates to the opening since its a very creative and inventive idea. I then added on and suggested that she should end it off with a shot of the guys face with a smirk to make it more intense and leave it with a cliffhanger.  https://intomediastudies.blogspot.com/ - Dani

The next person to share their idea was Lee, she was going for a coming of age film which would be about a girl with her jealous boyfriend and overtime when she would talk to guys he would grab her arm and tell her "were leaving". My group members and I very much liked this idea because we think it could be a very unique and creative opening left with tension. She wanted the credit scenes to be very unique and original since that's the idea she had in mind for the whole opening. Something I suggested she should do is to have the boyfriend as her neighbor or someone who lives close to her so that its a more realistic idea on why and how he will never leave her alone. I suggested this because I figured it would add more of a jealous affect on the boyfriend and why she's never left alone since he's always with her.   https://leesentertainment.blogspot.com/ - Lee

Then, Matias shared his idea about a horror theme genre that's about an antagonist showing his weapons through different angled close up shots. He wanted the main focus to be on different parts of the weapons and wanted to create a mysterious feeling through the screen. My group and I enjoyed the idea of the variety of weapons being shown to express that somethings going to happen later and we gave him suggestions of things he should include in his project. What we suggested is that there should be extreme close ups on his hand and weapons to show what he's doing with the weapons to kind of create a vision of what he will be using them for and what he's prepared to do with them in the future.  https://leesentertainment.blogspot.com/ - Matias

Lastly, I shared my idea which was not very put together and still not figured out completely. I wanted to do a setting in the woods with a girl but I didn't have much information on it until my group members helped me figure it out. My group members suggested that I should do it on a girl that's lost in the empty and quiet woods and she's stuck in a loop no matter what ways she goes. They suggested that she would get lost in the woods driving and would then have to go barefoot, but no matter how far she goes she keeps coming back to the same spot. I then added on to the thought of that and came up with an idea that at the end of the opening she could be walking inside the woods alone and someone would snatch her by her arm and she would let out a big scream while the camera drops to the ground and shows a black screen. My group members liked that idea and overall helped me so much with my opening idea.

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