Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Tuesday, February 4, 2025


Credit sequences are parts of a film where the names of the cast crew are displayed on the screen for the audience to see. They are not extremely visible but also not too hidden. They are displayed so that the mood is developed in a sense of creativity which follows by what the whole production will be like and the mood of it. The credits usually include the main actors, crew members, director, and the producers of the film.


The film "The Shining" introduces a long sequence of opening credits following a car driving through mountains. The credit scene covers this disturbing mood that is shown in the opening scene and by the setting. The introduction conveys a sense of isolation as the car goes far into the woods which sets a mood for the viewers as frightening and suspense of what will come next. The opening credits are very effective in setting a mood and tone in this film since the setting matches perfectly with it.

The Shining- https://youtu.be/9spGH0YMkj8

The following film "Scream" opening credits are started with a very suspenseful scene that creates a frightening and intense mood. The title and opening credits are portrayed in a dramatic way which establishes the films genre as horror. The opening credits for this movie are one of the most iconic and well-developed opening credits in the horror industry since it starts off with suspense and fear and that's what attracts viewers. The tension of this opening builds up with the background music while the cast members names are played out on the screen as the opening scene which drives suspense towards the audience and keeps them wanting more and keep them on the edge of their seat.

Scream- https://youtu.be/Sn5SkCvPEYo

The ultimate film "The Exorcist" opening credits are followed up with a mysterious and unflattering scene of a hole/ dig in Iraq. The music and background noise establish the genre of this film since it is very unsettling, suspenseful, and uncomfortable towards the audience. The credits are portrayed over a haunted picture with music that creates the uncomfortable mood. The opening credit scene makes the film appear more interesting and fascinating which makes the audience more investigated.

The Exorcist- https://youtu.be/on1U8bAcaDU


These credit scenes create purpose in the film by giving recognition to all the people who worked hard on the films besides only the main actors shown throughout the film. It gives recognition to the directors, producers, crew members, and etc. In horror movies they are usually displayed to create an unsettling airspace from the beginning. Lastly, these opening credit scenes can sometimes give important and useful informational hints to the audience later on throughout the film about the plot.

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