Monday, February 3, 2025
A variation of things has happened this past week. Many ideas overflowing and creativity expanding. There are different ideas I expect to do with my project, but it has to come down to one main one. I ensure that this post/ research will help conclude this and come down to one idea for my video.
This blog will take me through a journey and interests of a variety of different openings for my genre, horror. I would like to get to explore different openings for my 2-minute video to lend me some ideas and inspirations. Horror is one of the genres where you can experience in and most likely never go wrong cause of the different twists it can take. Now, let me stop talking and get straight to researching these horror film openings for a bit of inspiration and innovation.
Lets begin with film opening of the movie "Scream". This film opening starts with a build up of suspense which sets the mood to horror. It firsts starts in a home which sets the mood at first to a calm and safe mood. As the film goes on danger leads on with it. One of the characters, Casey, is at home alone eating popcorn as she receives a quick phone call which changes the mood to a more suspenseful one. the fact that she's at home alone makes her more vulnerable to many things which also sets the mood to horror and a more intense one.

This one innocent phone call leads to an intrusive amount of questions which sets the moods to suspense and interrogating. Into this call the caller makes it known that he can see Casey which makes the audience in a more disturbed mood and puts them into a fear stage for her. This scene progresses into violence and the music and sound make in more suspenseful and makes her death seem more crucial and creative.
This film opening of this movie starts off with a creepy scene that involves a doll names Annabelle that's possessed. This by itself sets the mood for horror and suspense. This scene introduces a women that's and investigator and this already sets the mood to be calm by her welcoming presence. The setting is very small and dim lighting which develops an unsettling mood and atmosphere to the audience. Annabelle is the main character of this film which already has a major impact on the overall tension of this opening. Since Annabelle is a doll the audience will most likely feel the mood of horror since dolls are used mostly for horror movies since they are seen as creepy in a matter.
The scene describes certain peoples experiences with this doll which builds a suspense as they are telling their horror encounters with Annabelle and the events that have happened which sets a creepy mood towards the audience. This opening is set up as a foreshadowing that not only explains and shows the events the people will experience but also what the future people will encounter and how frightening and intense it will be. The sound effects also establish and unsettling mood throughout every smile of this doll and every step it takes which makes it visible that there is more to come. The background music also plays a massive part in this opening since its tension keeps the audience on the edge of their seat and gets them frightened of an upcoming jump scare.
This opening begins with rules of this world without no explanation or knowledge on it. The use of the family's movements and sign language establishes the intense mood in the beginning. The family's carful through every step they take and every small noise they create with no dialogue to be informed with. Everything shown here shows that their in a dangerous and threatening setting and sets the moos for horror instantly by another add on which is the dim lighting and dusty surrounding their in. They establish that every noise they create is every life they endanger which leads to upcoming tragic events.
The use of silence being used identifies the potential danger their in and intensity their experiencing every second. The loss of their child sets the film to a more risky and dangerous aggressive mood for later on since the reality is that no one is safe in that area and the threat their experiencing is real.
These films have inspired me in a variety of different ways and have given me a sense of creativity for my project that I hope to use very efficiently. These films are also my top three favorite horror films which consumes me with a lot of knowledge of the techniques used and the openings to these films.
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