Thursday, February 20, 2025

Mise-En-Scene blog

Thursday, February 20, 2025


Mise-en-scene is one of the most important things to think of trying to develop your project. In this blog I will be covering over everything that will be in my opening and how it will be used. I think this blog will really help me with setting everything straight and to have everything go as planned. 


Firstly, the lighting is going to be very dim and dark since this will be taken place as the sun is going down till it's dark. I'm going to use dark colors such as black, dark blue, and dark red to enhance the nighttime feeling. Next for the setting, the setting will be in the forest with many trees covering with almost no space and view to see afar. The forest will be very dark with almost barley any light to bring the eerie feeling to life which makes it uneasy for the viewers. I was thinking of putting a type of fog through the trees which develops a feeling of mystery and uneasiness. This will add so much to the opening and make it spookier and tense.


Next thing are the props that I will be including into my short film. One prop I would like to add which would be the center of attention in this film is the "Turn Back Now" sigh. I would like this sign to be rusty and to look very old, so it looks spookier and creates a sense that she shouldn't be going there and that somethings going to happen later on. I want this sign to look very old to the point where there's mold growing on it and the paint is slowly fading away because of long it's been there for and what it went through for that long. The sign will be my main focus prop, but I still have other ones I would like to include. I would like to include other props such as branches on the ground to create a more dead looking feeling in the forest. I would also like to include a stuffed animal with string for the part where an animal comes out of the bushes. So, these are my main 3 props I will be adding to my opening. 


Lastly will be what I'm wearing for this opening. Since I'm on my way to a date, I would like to dress a bit formal and casual. Either a nice dress or a top with jeans and a blog jacket to add to the dark mysterious vibe. For this short film I would want her clothes to slowly start falling off and be left behind. For example, her jacket, this will show that she is on a determined mission or quest and has no time to spare. This will also show her desperation to leave the forest and the amount of confusion she is consuming throughout this opening.

All these different mise-en-scenes things will help me to develop the small details in my project and will enhance and expand my idea on this opening. 

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