Saturday, February 22, 2025

 Saturday, February 22, 2025


This blog will be focused mainly on what kind of audio I will be using for my 2 minute opening. Audio in my opening can make a huge impact on the overall look and feeling from it. It will play a massive roll in my opening which will give it the sense of horror that I'm looking for. So, without further or due lets get right into every detail and sound effect my opening will be containing.

Since my genre is horror and I will be needing a lot of noise and sound effects every second. I came up with the idea to record at night so that there could also be a lot of spooky natural noises coming from the animals in the forest. I am planning on have a lot of branches breaking for every step I take when I'm walking through the forest and to add a sound effect of the wind whistling for certain parts in my video. One of my main focuses is having a lot of animals and insects in the background to create the feeling of spookiness in the forest. Another sound I would like to include is the sound of my heartbeat beating faster and faster every time I see or feel like somethings going to happen in a negative way. I want my heartbeat to be subtle and I want it to create tension in the atmosphere for the scene where she hears something in the bushes but its really just a squirrel. 

For the music, I would like to include a very subtle low sound but very suspenseful type of sound to create tension. I would also want to have occasional noises when she's walking through the forest, and I would like it to get a bit more suspenseful and louder the further and deeper she goes. For the sound of the forest I would include sound of the leaves rustling on and on and owls howling in the back. The most important type of sounds and noises is the natural noise coming from the forest which contains all these following. The sounds coming from the forest is what develops the genre of horror since its a loud silence but not too loud.

Lastly, for the speaking part of this opening, I wouldn't necessarily talk a vast amount of times and often, but occasionally I would be making some gasps and small noises for certain scenes. I fell like for this opening talking isn't really needed but more of the occasional small noises that are noticeable throughout the film.

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