For this blog I will be getting into detail of my first day shooting my CCR. For the 1st video I only shot me answering the 1st question and have me answering the 2nd and 3rd question for tomorrow. My friend helped in the process as she was the filmer and the interviewer.
For my 1st question I answered the following question (How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues?) Since for my first video I'm doing an interview in the area I filmed my opening, I had my friend recording me and asking me the questions. I sectioned it into small parts so it was easier for me to remember and to stay focused on the topic. This process of filming had its ups and downs since my friend and I were getting bit my mosquitos and bugs. Although, we were getting bit we shared many laughs since we had many bloopers as she was asking me questions. Something I found very useful were the blogs I made throughout the week especially the ones from last week as they were the ones that guided me through the whole making and filming of the answering for question 1 of the CCR. These blogs not only guided me but helped me remember the small details I wanted to include to my video and editing.
Now, for the editing part which I'm still in the process of doing and working on is going well so far since I had some practice from the editing of my opening film. I have many clips to choose from since there were many bloopers and cut offs but I'm having fun looking over all the clips and choosing the ones I want for my CCR video. I still have 3 more questions to go and to edit but this one went well and was fun to record.