Thursday, March 13, 2025

CCR #2


In this blog I will be discussing the second question of the Creative Critical Reflection for my project. The following question is...

  • How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text? 

This question I would say is probably one of the simplest and most practiced questions out of the four since I've had practice with it throughout the year.

So, to get started, I would say my project engages with the audiences because of the eerie and suspenseful music and the cliff hanger at the end of the curiosity of who grabbed her hand and all the mystery and answers behind her being in a loop. There is engagement and development since the audience is hoping well for the girl and care about her fears to see what she does to overcome these tasks that are displayed.  An interactive element is the eerie music and all the sound that attracts and catches the audience's eyes which hooks them to see what will happen and have them asking questions throughout the opening which leaves them wanting more. Not only does the sound and music catch the audience's attention but also the transitions that are involved and added on to the video to make it more of a crazy and horror effect. 

The second part of this question is how your project would be distributed as a real media text, and these are the following answers to this question. My film could be both online and local which could expand the number of viewers and different type of viewers. I could also share my film online onto different platforms such as TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook to reach a wider audience which would help as the starting point. The next thing I could do is collaborations with many different people who have a large platform and could help spread the word and get it onto different social medias with a large number of viewers. The last step or thing I would do to have distributed as a real media text to have my film at school events or different events happening at parks to first get local people interested and then have its way builds to worldwide and national viewers.

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Group Meeting Discussion on CCR

                    GROUP MEETING #2

    Today we had our 2nd group meeting, and we shared our feedback with each other for the CCRs. The people in my group are Sofi, Victor, Natalia, and Ayden and they all equally helped and shared their ideas with me on what I should do for my CCR. Before gathering in groups, I had no clue what I was going to do, but after this group meeting, I have many ideas now for my CCRs and have to choose 2. We all shared our ideas for each one of our projects and fed ideas based on what they are going to do for their projects. So, in this blog I will be discussing the ideas that were given to me and the 2 ideas I will choose.

I got many ideas such as that for my CCR I should do a video like an interview in the woods where I filmed and have my mom be the interviewer. I really liked this idea because I think it's such a fun and explorable creative way to catch people's attention and have them excited to see the behind the scenes. Another idea that caught my eye was to do a "Day In my Life" video and answer the questions as I film. I really liked this idea since I love making these types of videos on my own for fun and it could be done well since I have experience with it and since it's an enjoyable way for me to answer the questions in a fun manner. The last idea I got was to do it documentary style which I thought could be really fun since it's like creating my own mini podcast or movie. 

All these ideas really caught my eye and helped me massively with picking something to do for my CCR. Not only did their ideas help me out but they also give me a starting point of what I could add onto it and what to change to make it a bit more creative. 

The people in my group had many of their own creative ideas for their CCR and I think each one of us fed some opinions and ideas to everyone and overall, I think this group meeting really helped with the process of ideas for this part of the project. I really enjoy these group meetings because they help you with many dead ends you experience in your project and many things you are stuck on and don't know what to do. I really hope to have more of these in the future since they play such a big part and help for my project.

CCR #2

        CREATIVE CRITICAL REFLECTION #2 In this blog I will be discussing the second question of the Creative Critical Reflection for my pro...