Friday, January 31, 2025


                              Genre Picking


Emotional resonance- 

I'm in a conflict between two different genres for my project. The first one I will begin with is Horror. What I find fascinating about horror films is how they evoke personal and emotional responses such as suspense. In my short film I want suspense to be used because it holds a grip of the audience and makes them wanting more. This causes emotional impact which makes it highly engaging to the audience who enjoy the thrill of suspense. This genre follows for a variety of creativity and allows the film to go either way with a bit of spice and thrill. 


Experimenting techniques in this genre would be very useful in my short film and since horror follows up to this I think it could be used great in my opening. Another concept I enjoy about this genre is experimenting with he story telling too. This opens a door to creativity and freedom. The genre can add a complex of feelings and emotional fears which can make it more compelling tot he audience. 

  Horror causes an emotional impact which increases the amount of views and audience. To add on, horror is in the top five list of most viewed genres.


Adrenaline Rush-

This genre follows adrenaline rush to the max. Action films are mostly about energetic fights, chases, stories, and etc. Action films usually feature main character and their heroic acts which make it almost impossible to not root for them. This genre has a variety of struggles that the characters face and their journey through it. 


The special effects for action films exceeds the audiences expectations which stuns the viewers and leaves them wanting more. Action faces many adventures and revenge and leads to attracting a wide audience. The show " The 100" is an action based movie with the amount of fight scenes, adventures, and violence that it includes. The camera movement in this show is very shaky since its an apocalyptical world and sphere. The show follows constant dangers and threats which gives off an adrenaline rush to most people with the journey they experience.

Final Analysis- 

These two genres will both fit my liking for my opening the best. I believe that these both genres deliver interests towards the audience in a variety of ways such a the abilities to evoke strong emotions and provide experiences that satisfy the viewers. 

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

transition posting to portfolio project


        Transition Posting To Portfolio Project 

Hello I am very excited to have been introduced this fun and exciting project! I have learned so much throughout this course and past year about the different type of techniques, sound, shots, and etc. This project will be the project to splurge all my consuming and on going knowledge about aice media and I am very thrilled to be apart of this experience. I have grasped the understanding of this class and the blog posts that have helped me throughout the way of a variety of lessons that have been taught to me. So, moving forward I was presented a group/individual project based on what I have been taught about Film Openings and the techniques I am able to use upon my knowledge. My class and I will be gathering into groups or individually and we will have to experiment with this ongoing project.

This project is a detailed explanation on what we have been taught so far. This project will include a 2 minute video opening of a new fiction film, no less no more. This extract will also include a Creative Critical reflection based on our experience on this project, we pretty much reflect our thoughts about it.

My initial plan with this project is to develop mystery using sound techniques to create suspense and thrill and setting to ensure the plot and background of where the video is going to take place. A type of conflict I would like to establish and include in my 2 minute opening is character vs. self to construct internal struggles and issues which I believe will create a more entertaining watch. Something I find very fascinating is the use of color to establish tone through mise-en-scene. I believe color is one of the best ways to express yourself and to develop a theme in something like this. It creates a unique meaning which sets the mood and establishes the genre of extracts.

CCR #2

        CREATIVE CRITICAL REFLECTION #2 In this blog I will be discussing the second question of the Creative Critical Reflection for my pro...